General Info

Batya's Kitchen is Kosher Certified by the Tarnopol Kashrus Hashgocha.
All menu items are Non-Gebroks.
Our facility is a meat facility. All production is made on meat utensils.
Batya's Kitchen is NOT a nut-free facility. Please indicate all allergy restrictions before your order is confirmed. We do not take any responsibility for airborne allergies.
All food items are sent frozen.
We do not use mushrooms in our Pesach production.
Broccoli, Cauliflower, Spinach, and Strawberries are all checked and frozen from Heimishe hashgochos.
Your freezer should be prepared to accept your delivery at least 2 weeks before Pesach, Rosh Chodesh Nissan, April 9th.
If there are extenuating circumstances that prevent you from receiving your order at the time of completion, we will store it for you until you are ready to receive it at no additional charge.
Batya's Kitchen will store any orders going to your vacation rentals.
Shipping Information
Our last delivery will be on Thurs Apr 18.
Our Last FedEx Delivery will be sent out on Wed Ap 17 before Pesach. Special arrangements can be made for other dates.
We have two insulated box sizes, small and large:
Our Small Box fits the equivalent of 3 9x13's.
Our large box fits the equivalent of either 8 9X13's, 12 Quarts or 10 rounds with additional space for 4 quarts.
We ship with FedEx Priority Overnight in our insulated custom boxes with dry ice. The fee per large box is $125. The fee per small box is $85.
Due to new FedEx regulations, if the box exceeds 50lbs a $30 surcharge will be added per heavyweight box. We will distribute the weight to the best of our ability. We will weigh the boxes before leaving our facility to let you know if there is an added fee. This has not yet occurred to any of our customers.
Orlando and Miami (using the suggested delivery service) customers will have their orders directly shipped with a private trucking company. See checkout for all shipping date options and prices per location.
Additional Services for international travel:
Special packing for airplane/suitcase fee includes double wrap & Ziploc bag per item, bubble wrap if needed. This will incur an extra $60 per box.
Additional services for convenience:
All orders will receive a packing list (without pricing) with heating instructions in box. Additionally, the heating instructions will be shown on the automated email once the order is confirmed.
Labeling per meal available upon request for a flat fee of $250 per order.
Contact Us:
For any further inquiries please contact us by whatsapp, text or call 917-525-3663 or email us at For questions regarding an already existing order, email followup@batyaskitchen.comm and use your order # in the subject line.
Payment Methods:
We accept all major credit cards. Any credit card transaction will be subject to a 3.5% fee.
Check should be made payable to:
Batya's Kitchen
1278 East 34th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11210
We also accept Cash, Zelle and Venmo
Quickpay/Zelle :
Venmo: @batya-kahan